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MOS-6502 Opcodes


Note that the Rockwell bit test opcodes are not available on the 65816 and have a different function there.

Sorted by hex code. #

HEX Assembler Example Instruction Addressing Mode CPU Bytes
00 BRK Break Stack/Interrupt 6502 2
01 ORA (dp,X) OR Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
02 COP const Co-Processor Enable Stack/Interrupt 65816 2
03 ORA sr,S OR Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
04 TSB dp Test and Set Direct Page 65C02 2
05 ORA dp OR Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
06 ASL dp Arithmetic Shift Left Direct Page 6502 2
07 ORA [dp] OR Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
07 RMB0 zp Reset bit 0 bit in zp R 2
08 PHP Push Processor Status Stack (Push) 6502 1
09 ORA #const OR Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
0A ASL A Arithmetic Shift Left Accumulator 6502 1
0B PHD Push Direct Page Stack (Push) 65816 1
0C TSB addr Test and Set Absolute 65C02 3
0D ORA addr OR Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
0E ASL addr Arithmetic Shift Left Absolute 6502 3
0F BBR0 zp,rel Branch on bit 0 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
0F ORA long OR Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
10 BPL nearlabel Branch if Plus Program Counter Relative 6502 2
11 ORA (dp),Y OR Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
12 ORA (dp) OR Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
13 ORA (sr,S),Y OR Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
14 TRB dp Test and Reset Direct Page 65C02 2
15 ORA dp,X OR Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
16 ASL dp,X Arithmetic Shift Left DP Indexed,X 6502 2
17 ORA [dp],Y OR Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
17 RMB1 zp Reset bit 1 bit in zp R 2
18 CLC Clear Carry Implied 6502 1
19 ORA addr,Y OR Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
1A INA Increment Accumulator 65C02 1
1B TCS Transfer A to SP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
1C TRB addr Test and Reset Absolute 65C02 3
1D ORA addr,X OR Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
1E ASL addr,X Arithmetic Shift Left Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
1F BBR1 zp,rel Branch on bit 1 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
1F ORA long,X OR Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
20 JSR addr Jump to Subroutine Absolute 6502 3
21 AND (dp,X) AND Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
22 JSR long Jump to Subroutine Absolute Long 65816 4
23 AND sr,S AND Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
24 BIT dp Test Bits Direct Page 6502 2
25 AND dp AND Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
26 ROL dp Rotate Left Direct Page 6502 2
27 AND [dp] AND Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
27 RMB2 zp Reset bit 2 bit in zp R 2
28 PLP Pull Processor Status Stack (Pull) 6502 1
29 AND #const AND Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
2A ROL A Rotate Left Accumulator 6502 1
2B PLD Pull Direct Page Stack (Pull) 65816 1
2C BIT addr Test Bits Absolute 6502 3
2D AND addr AND Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
2E ROL addr Rotate Left Absolute 6502 3
2F AND long AND Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
2F BBR2 zp,rel Branch on bit 2 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
30 BMI nearlabel Branch if Minus Program Counter Relative 6502 2
31 AND (dp),Y AND Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
32 AND (dp) AND Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
33 AND (sr,S),Y AND Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
34 BIT dp,X Test Bits DP Indexed,X 65C02 2
35 AND dp,X AND Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
36 ROL dp,X Rotate Left DP Indexed,X 6502 2
37 AND [dp],Y AND Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
37 RMB3 zp Reset bit 3 bit in zp R 2
38 SEC Set Carry Flag Implied 6502 1
39 AND addr,Y AND Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
3A DEA Decrement Accumulator 65C02 1
3B TSC Transfer SP to A Implied 16-bit 65816 1
3C BIT addr,X Test Bits Absolute Indexed,X 65C02 3
3D AND addr,X AND Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
3E ROL addr,X Rotate Left Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
3F AND long,X AND Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
3F BBR3 zp,rel Branch on bit 3 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
40 RTI Return from Interrupt Stack (RTI) 6502 1
41 EOR (dp,X) Exclusive-OR A DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
42 WDM Reserved Implied 65816 2
43 EOR sr,S Exclusive-OR A Stack Relative 65816 2
44 MVN srcbk,destbk Block Move Negative Block Move 65816 3
45 EOR dp Exclusive-OR A Direct Page 6502 2
46 LSR dp Logical Shift Right Direct Page 6502 2
47 EOR [dp] Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Long 65816 2
47 RMB4 zp Reset bit 4 bit in zp R 2
48 PHA Push Accumulator Stack (Push) 6502 1
49 EOR #const Exclusive-OR A Immediate 6502 2
4A LSR A Logical Shift Right Accumulator 6502 1
4B PHK Push Program Bank Stack (Push) 65816 1
4C JMP addr Jump Absolute 6502 3
4D EOR addr Exclusive-OR A Absolute 6502 3
4E LSR addr Logical Shift Right Absolute 6502 3
4F BBR4 zp,rel Branch on bit 4 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
4F EOR long Exclusive-OR A Absolute Long 65816 4
50 BVC nearlabel Branch Overflow Clear Program Counter Relative 6502 2
51 EOR (dp),Y Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
52 EOR (dp) Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect 65C02 2
53 EOR (sr,S),Y Exclusive-OR A SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
54 MVN srcbk,destbk Block Move Negative Block Move 65816 3
55 EOR dp,X Exclusive-OR A DP Indexed,X 6502 2
56 LSR dp,X Logical Shift Right DP Indexed,X 6502 2
57 EOR [dp],Y Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
57 RMB5 zp Reset bit 5 bit in zp R 2
58 CLI Clear Interrupt Implied 6502 1
59 EOR addr,Y Exclusive-OR A Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
5A PHY Push Index Register Y Stack (Push) 65C02 1
5B TCD Transfer A to DP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
5C JMP long Jump Absolute Long 65816 4
5D EOR addr,X Exclusive-OR A Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
5E LSR addr,X Logical Shift Right Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
5F BBR5 zp,rel Branch on bit 5 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
5F EOR long,X Exclusive-OR A Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
60 RTS Return from Subroutine Stack (RTS) 6502 1
61 ADC (dp,X) Add With Carry DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
62 PER label Push Effective PC Stack (PC Relative Long) 65816 3
63 ADC sr,S Add With Carry Stack Relative 65816 2
64 STZ dp Store Zero to Memory Direct Page 65C02 2
65 ADC dp Add With Carry Direct Page 6502 2
66 ROR dp Rotate Right Direct Page 6502 2
67 ADC [dp] Add With Carry DP Indirect Long 65816 2
67 RMB6 zp Reset bit 6 bit in zp R 2
68 PLA Pull Accumulator tack (Pull) 6502 1
69 ADC #const Add With Carry Immediate 6502 2
6A ROR A Rotate Right Accumulator 6502 1
6B RTL Return from Subroutine Stack (RTL, 24-bit) 65816 1
6C JMP (addr) Jump Absolute Indirect 6502 3
6D ADC addr Add With Carry Absolute 6502 3
6E ROR addr Rotate Right Absolute 6502 3
6F ADC long Add With Carry Absolute Long 65816 4
6F BBR6 zp,rel Branch on bit 6 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
70 BVS nearlabel Branch if Overflow Set Program Counter Relative 6502 2
71 ADC (dp),Y Add With Carry DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
72 ADC (dp) Add With Carry DP Indirect 65C02 2
73 ADC (sr,S),Y Add With Carry SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
74 STZ dp,X Store Zero to Memory DP Indexed,X 65C02 2
75 ADC dp,X Add With Carry DP Indexed,X 6502 2
76 ROR dp,X Rotate Right DP Indexed,X 6502 2
77 ADC [dp],Y Add With Carry DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
77 RMB7 zp Reset bit 7 bit in zp R 2
78 SEI Set Interrupt Flag Implied 6502 1
79 ADC addr,Y Add With Carry Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
7A PLY Pull Index Register Y Stack (Pull) 65C02 1
7B TDC Transfer A to DP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
7C JMP (addr,X) Jump Absolute Indexed Indirect 65C02 3
7D ADC addr,X Add With Carry Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
7E ROR addr,X Rotate Right Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
7F ADC long,X Add With Carry Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
7F BBR7 zp,rel Branch on bit 7 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
80 BRA nearlabel Branch Always Program Counter Relative 65C02 2
81 STA (dp,X) Store Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
82 BRL label Branch Always Program Counter Relative Long 65816 3
83 STA sr,S Store Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
84 STY dp Store Index Register Y Direct Page 6502 2
85 STA dp Store Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
86 STX dp Store Index Register X Direct Page 6502 2
87 SMB0 zp Set bit 0 bit in zp R 2
87 STA [dp] Store Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
88 DEY Decrement Y Implied 6502 1
89 BIT #const Test Bits Immediate 65C02 2
8A TXA Transfer X to A Implied 6502 1
8B PHB Push Data Bank Stack (Push) 65816 1
8C STY addr Store Index Register Y Absolute 6502 3
8D STA addr Store Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
8E STX addr Store Index Register X Absolute 6502 3
8F BBS0 zp,rel Branch on bit 0 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
8F STA long Store Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
90 BCC nearlabel Branch if Carry Clear Program Counter Relative 6502 2
91 STA (dp),Y Store Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
92 STA (dp) Store Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
93 STA (sr,S),Y Store Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
94 STY dp,X Store Index Register Y DP Indexed,X 6502 2
95 STA dpX Store Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
96 STX dp,Y Store Index Register X DP Indexed,Y 6502 2
97 SMB1 zp Set bit 1 bit in zp R 2
97 STA [dp],Y Store Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
98 TYA Transfer Y to A Implied 6502 1
99 STA addr,Y Store Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
9A TXS Transfer X to SP Implied 6502 1
9B TXY Transfer X to Y Implied 65816 1
9C STZ addr Store Zero to Memory Absolute 65C02 3
9D STA addr,X Store Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
9E STZ addr,X Store Zero to Memory Absolute Indexed,X 65C02 3
9F BBS1 zp,rel Branch on bit 1 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
9F STA long,X Store Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
A0 LDY #const Load Index Register Y Immediate 6502 2
A1 LDA (dp,X) Load Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
A2 LDX #const Load Index Register X Immediate 6502 2
A3 LDA sr,S Load Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
A4 LDY dp Load Index Register Y Direct Page 6502 2
A5 LDA dp Load Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
A6 LDX dp Load Index Register X Direct Page 6502 2
A7 LDA [dp] Load Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
A7 SMB2 zp Set bit 2 bit in zp R 2
A8 TAY Transfer A to Y Implied 6502 1
A9 LDA #const Load Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
AA TAX Transfer A to X Implied 6502 1
AB PLB Pull Data Bank Stack (Pull) 65816 1
AC LDY addr Load Index Register Y Absolute 6502 3
AD LDA addr Load Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
AE LDX addr Load Index Register X Absolute 6502 3
AF BBS2 zp,rel Branch on bit 2 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
AF LDA long Load Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
B0 BCS nearlabel Branch if Carry Set Program Counter Relative 6502 2
B1 LDA (dp),Y Load Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
B2 LDA (dp) Load Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
B3 LDA (sr,S),Y Load Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
B4 LDY dp,X Load Index Register Y DP Indexed,X 6502 2
B5 LDA dp,X Load Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
B6 LDX dp,Y Load Index Register X DP Indexed,Y 6502 2
B7 LDA [dp],Y Load Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
B7 SMB3 zp Set bit 3 bit in zp R 2
B8 CLV Clear Overflow Flag Implied 6502 1
B9 LDA addr,Y Load Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
BA TSX Transfer SP to X Implied 6502 1
BB TYX Transfer Y to X Implied 65816 1
BC LDY addr,X Load Index Register Y Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
BD LDA addr,X Load Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
BE LDX addr,Y Load Index Register X Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
BF BBS3 zp,rel Branch on bit 3 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
BF LDA long,X Load Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
C0 CPY #const Compare Index Y Immediate 6502 2
C1 CMP (dp,X) Compare Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
C2 REP #const Reset Processor Status Immediate 65816 2
C3 CMP sr,S Compare Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
C4 CPY dp Compare Index Y Direct Page 6502 2
C5 CMP dp Compare Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
C6 DEC dp Decrement Direct Page 6502 2
C7 CMP [dp] Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
C7 SMB4 zp Set bit 4 bit in zp R 2
C8 INY Increment Y Implied 6502 1
C9 CMP #const Compare Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
CA DEX Decrement X Implied 6502 1
CB WAI Wait for Interrupt Implied WDC 1
CC CPY addr Compare Index Y Absolute 6502 3
CD CMP addr Compare Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
CE DEC addr Decrement Absolute 6502 3
CF BBS4 zp,rel Branch on bit 4 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
CF CMP long Compare Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
D0 BNE nearlabel Branch if Not Equal Program Counter Relative 6502 2
D1 CMP (dp),Y Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
D2 CMP (dp) Compare Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
D3 CMP (sr,S),Y Compare Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
D4 PEI (dp) Push Indirect Address Stack (DP Indirect) 65816 2
D5 CMP dp,X Compare Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
D6 DEC dp,X Decrement DP Indexed,X 6502 2
D7 CMP [dp],Y Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
D7 SMB5 zp Set bit 5 bit in zp R 2
D8 CLD Clear Decimal Mode Implied 6502 1
D9 CMP addr,Y Compare Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
DA PHX Push Index Register X Stack (Push) 65C02 1
DB STP Stop Processor Implied 65816 1
DC JMP [addr] Jump Absolute Indirect Long 65816 3
DD CMP addr,X Compare Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
DE DEC addr,X Decrement Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
DF BBS5 zp,rel Branch on bit 5 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
DF CMP long,X Compare Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
E0 CPX #const Compare Index X Immediate 6502 2
E1 SBC (dp,X) Subtract with Borrow DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
E2 SEP #const Set Processor Status Immediate 65816 2
E3 SBC sr,S Subtract with Borrow Stack Relative 65816 2
E4 CPX dp Compare Index X Direct Page 6502 2
E5 SBC dp Subtract with Borrow Direct Page 6502 2
E6 INC dp Increment Direct Page 6502 2
E7 SBC [dp] Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Long 65816 2
E7 SMB6 zp Set bit 6 bit in zp R 2
E8 INX Increment X Implied 6502 1
E9 SBC #const Subtract with Borrow Immediate 6502 2
EA NOP No Operation Implied 6502 1
EB XBA Exchange B and A Implied 8-bit 65816 1
EC CPX addr Compare Index X Absolute 6502 3
ED SBC addr Subtract with Borrow Absolute 6502 3
EE INC addr Increment Absolute 6502 3
EF BBS6 zp,rel Branch on bit 6 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
EF SBC long Subtract with Borrow Absolute Long 65816 4
F0 BEQ nearlabel Branch if Equal Program Counter Relative 6502 2
F1 SBC (dp),Y Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
F2 SBC (dp) Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect 65C02 2
F3 SBC (sr,S),Y Subtract with Borrow SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
F4 PEA addr Push Absolute Address Stack (Absolute) 65816 3
F5 SBC dp,X Subtract with Borrow DP Indexed,X 6502 2
F6 INC dp,X Increment DP Indexed,X 6502 2
F7 SBC [dp],Y Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
F7 SMB7 zp Set bit 7 bit in zp R 2
F8 SED Set Decimal Flag Implied 6502 1
F9 SBC addr,Y Subtract with Borrow Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
FA PLX Pull Index Register X Stack (Pull) 65C02 1
FB XCE Exchange Carry and E Implied 65816 1
FC JSR (addr,X) Jump to Subroutine Absolute Indexed Indirect 65816 3
FD SBC addr,X Subtract with Borrow Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
FE INC addr,X Increment Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
FF BBS7 zp,rel Branch on bit 7 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
FF SBC long,X Subtract with Borrow Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4

Sorted alphabetically #

HEX Assembler Example Instruction Addressing Mode CPU Bytes
69 ADC #const Add With Carry Immediate 6502 2
71 ADC (dp),Y Add With Carry DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
72 ADC (dp) Add With Carry DP Indirect 65C02 2
61 ADC (dp,X) Add With Carry DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
73 ADC (sr,S),Y Add With Carry SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
77 ADC [dp],Y Add With Carry DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
67 ADC [dp] Add With Carry DP Indirect Long 65816 2
7D ADC addr,X Add With Carry Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
79 ADC addr,Y Add With Carry Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
6D ADC addr Add With Carry Absolute 6502 3
75 ADC dp,X Add With Carry DP Indexed,X 6502 2
65 ADC dp Add With Carry Direct Page 6502 2
7F ADC long,X Add With Carry Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
6F ADC long Add With Carry Absolute Long 65816 4
63 ADC sr,S Add With Carry Stack Relative 65816 2
29 AND #const AND Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
31 AND (dp),Y AND Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
32 AND (dp) AND Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
21 AND (dp,X) AND Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
33 AND (sr,S),Y AND Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
37 AND [dp],Y AND Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
27 AND [dp] AND Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
3D AND addr,X AND Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
39 AND addr,Y AND Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
2D AND addr AND Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
35 AND dp,X AND Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
25 AND dp AND Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
3F AND long,X AND Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
2F AND long AND Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
23 AND sr,S AND Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
0A ASL A Arithmetic Shift Left Accumulator 6502 1
1E ASL addr,X Arithmetic Shift Left Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
0E ASL addr Arithmetic Shift Left Absolute 6502 3
16 ASL dp,X Arithmetic Shift Left DP Indexed,X 6502 2
06 ASL dp Arithmetic Shift Left Direct Page 6502 2
0F BBR0 zp,rel Branch on bit 0 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
1F BBR1 zp,rel Branch on bit 1 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
2F BBR2 zp,rel Branch on bit 2 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
3F BBR3 zp,rel Branch on bit 3 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
4F BBR4 zp,rel Branch on bit 4 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
5F BBR5 zp,rel Branch on bit 5 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
6F BBR6 zp,rel Branch on bit 6 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
7F BBR7 zp,rel Branch on bit 7 Reset bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
8F BBS0 zp,rel Branch on bit 0 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
9F BBS1 zp,rel Branch on bit 1 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
AF BBS2 zp,rel Branch on bit 2 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
BF BBS3 zp,rel Branch on bit 3 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
CF BBS4 zp,rel Branch on bit 4 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
DF BBS5 zp,rel Branch on bit 5 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
EF BBS6 zp,rel Branch on bit 6 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
FF BBS7 zp,rel Branch on bit 7 Set bit in zp and PC Relative R 3
90 BCC nearlabel Branch if Carry Clear Program Counter Relative 6502 2
B0 BCS nearlabel Branch if Carry Set Program Counter Relative 6502 2
F0 BEQ nearlabel Branch if Equal Program Counter Relative 6502 2
89 BIT #const Test Bits Immediate 65C02 2
3C BIT addr,X Test Bits Absolute Indexed,X 65C02 3
2C BIT addr Test Bits Absolute 6502 3
34 BIT dp,X Test Bits DP Indexed,X 65C02 2
24 BIT dp Test Bits Direct Page 6502 2
30 BMI nearlabel Branch if Minus Program Counter Relative 6502 2
D0 BNE nearlabel Branch if Not Equal Program Counter Relative 6502 2
10 BPL nearlabel Branch if Plus Program Counter Relative 6502 2
80 BRA nearlabel Branch Always Program Counter Relative 65C02 2
00 BRK Break Stack/Interrupt 6502 2
82 BRL label Branch Always Program Counter Relative Long 65816 3
50 BVC nearlabel Branch Overflow Clear Program Counter Relative 6502 2
70 BVS nearlabel Branch if Overflow Set Program Counter Relative 6502 2
18 CLC Clear Carry Implied 6502 1
D8 CLD Clear Decimal Mode Implied 6502 1
58 CLI Clear Interrupt Implied 6502 1
B8 CLV Clear Overflow Flag Implied 6502 1
C9 CMP #const Compare Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
D1 CMP (dp),Y Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
D2 CMP (dp) Compare Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
C1 CMP (dp,X) Compare Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
D3 CMP (sr,S),Y Compare Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
D7 CMP [dp],Y Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
C7 CMP [dp] Compare Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
DD CMP addr,X Compare Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
D9 CMP addr,Y Compare Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
CD CMP addr Compare Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
D5 CMP dp,X Compare Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
C5 CMP dp Compare Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
DF CMP long,X Compare Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
CF CMP long Compare Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
C3 CMP sr,S Compare Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
02 COP const Co-Processor Enable Stack/Interrupt 65816 2
E0 CPX #const Compare Index X Immediate 6502 2
EC CPX addr Compare Index X Absolute 6502 3
E4 CPX dp Compare Index X Direct Page 6502 2
C0 CPY #const Compare Index Y Immediate 6502 2
CC CPY addr Compare Index Y Absolute 6502 3
C4 CPY dp Compare Index Y Direct Page 6502 2
3A DEA Decrement Accumulator 65C02 1
DE DEC addr,X Decrement Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
CE DEC addr Decrement Absolute 6502 3
D6 DEC dp,X Decrement DP Indexed,X 6502 2
C6 DEC dp Decrement Direct Page 6502 2
CA DEX Decrement X Implied 6502 1
88 DEY Decrement Y Implied 6502 1
49 EOR #const Exclusive-OR A Immediate 6502 2
51 EOR (dp),Y Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
52 EOR (dp) Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect 65C02 2
41 EOR (dp,X) Exclusive-OR A DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
53 EOR (sr,S),Y Exclusive-OR A SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
57 EOR [dp],Y Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
47 EOR [dp] Exclusive-OR A DP Indirect Long 65816 2
5D EOR addr,X Exclusive-OR A Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
59 EOR addr,Y Exclusive-OR A Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
4D EOR addr Exclusive-OR A Absolute 6502 3
55 EOR dp,X Exclusive-OR A DP Indexed,X 6502 2
45 EOR dp Exclusive-OR A Direct Page 6502 2
5F EOR long,X Exclusive-OR A Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
4F EOR long Exclusive-OR A Absolute Long 65816 4
43 EOR sr,S Exclusive-OR A Stack Relative 65816 2
1A INA Increment Accumulator 65C02 1
FE INC addr,X Increment Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
EE INC addr Increment Absolute 6502 3
F6 INC dp,X Increment DP Indexed,X 6502 2
E6 INC dp Increment Direct Page 6502 2
E8 INX Increment X Implied 6502 1
C8 INY Increment Y Implied 6502 1
6C JMP (addr) Jump Absolute Indirect 6502 3
7C JMP (addr,X) Jump Absolute Indexed Indirect 65C02 3
DC JMP [addr] Jump Absolute Indirect Long 65816 3
4C JMP addr Jump Absolute 6502 3
5C JMP long Jump Absolute Long 65816 4
FC JSR (addr,X) Jump to Subroutine Absolute Indexed Indirect 65816 3
20 JSR addr Jump to Subroutine Absolute 6502 3
22 JSR long Jump to Subroutine Absolute Long 65816 4
A9 LDA #const Load Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
B1 LDA (dp),Y Load Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
B2 LDA (dp) Load Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
A1 LDA (dp,X) Load Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
B3 LDA (sr,S),Y Load Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
B7 LDA [dp],Y Load Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
A7 LDA [dp] Load Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
BD LDA addr,X Load Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
B9 LDA addr,Y Load Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
AD LDA addr Load Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
B5 LDA dp,X Load Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
A5 LDA dp Load Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
BF LDA long,X Load Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
AF LDA long Load Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
A3 LDA sr,S Load Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
A2 LDX #const Load Index Register X Immediate 6502 2
BE LDX addr,Y Load Index Register X Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
AE LDX addr Load Index Register X Absolute 6502 3
B6 LDX dp,Y Load Index Register X DP Indexed,Y 6502 2
A6 LDX dp Load Index Register X Direct Page 6502 2
A0 LDY #const Load Index Register Y Immediate 6502 2
BC LDY addr,X Load Index Register Y Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
AC LDY addr Load Index Register Y Absolute 6502 3
B4 LDY dp,X Load Index Register Y DP Indexed,X 6502 2
A4 LDY dp Load Index Register Y Direct Page 6502 2
4A LSR A Logical Shift Right Accumulator 6502 1
5E LSR addr,X Logical Shift Right Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
4E LSR addr Logical Shift Right Absolute 6502 3
56 LSR dp,X Logical Shift Right DP Indexed,X 6502 2
46 LSR dp Logical Shift Right Direct Page 6502 2
44 MVN srcbk,destbk Block Move Negative Block Move 65816 3
54 MVN srcbk,destbk Block Move Negative Block Move 65816 3
EA NOP No Operation Implied 6502 1
09 ORA #const OR Accumulator Immediate 6502 2
11 ORA (dp),Y OR Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
12 ORA (dp) OR Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
01 ORA (dp,X) OR Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
13 ORA (sr,S),Y OR Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
17 ORA [dp],Y OR Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
07 ORA [dp] OR Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
1D ORA addr,X OR Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
19 ORA addr,Y OR Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
0D ORA addr OR Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
15 ORA dp,X OR Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
05 ORA dp OR Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
1F ORA long,X OR Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
0F ORA long OR Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
03 ORA sr,S OR Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
F4 PEA addr Push Absolute Address Stack (Absolute) 65816 3
D4 PEI (dp) Push Indirect Address Stack (DP Indirect) 65816 2
62 PER label Push Effective PC Stack (PC Relative Long) 65816 3
48 PHA Push Accumulator Stack (Push) 6502 1
8B PHB Push Data Bank Stack (Push) 65816 1
0B PHD Push Direct Page Stack (Push) 65816 1
4B PHK Push Program Bank Stack (Push) 65816 1
08 PHP Push Processor Status Stack (Push) 6502 1
DA PHX Push Index Register X Stack (Push) 65C02 1
5A PHY Push Index Register Y Stack (Push) 65C02 1
68 PLA Pull Accumulator tack (Pull) 6502 1
AB PLB Pull Data Bank Stack (Pull) 65816 1
2B PLD Pull Direct Page Stack (Pull) 65816 1
28 PLP Pull Processor Status Stack (Pull) 6502 1
FA PLX Pull Index Register X Stack (Pull) 65C02 1
7A PLY Pull Index Register Y Stack (Pull) 65C02 1
C2 REP #const Reset Processor Status Immediate 65816 2
07 RMB0 zp Reset bit 0 bit in zp R 2
17 RMB1 zp Reset bit 1 bit in zp R 2
27 RMB2 zp Reset bit 2 bit in zp R 2
37 RMB3 zp Reset bit 3 bit in zp R 2
47 RMB4 zp Reset bit 4 bit in zp R 2
57 RMB5 zp Reset bit 5 bit in zp R 2
67 RMB6 zp Reset bit 6 bit in zp R 2
77 RMB7 zp Reset bit 7 bit in zp R 2
2A ROL A Rotate Left Accumulator 6502 1
3E ROL addr,X Rotate Left Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
2E ROL addr Rotate Left Absolute 6502 3
36 ROL dp,X Rotate Left DP Indexed,X 6502 2
26 ROL dp Rotate Left Direct Page 6502 2
6A ROR A Rotate Right Accumulator 6502 1
7E ROR addr,X Rotate Right Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
6E ROR addr Rotate Right Absolute 6502 3
76 ROR dp,X Rotate Right DP Indexed,X 6502 2
66 ROR dp Rotate Right Direct Page 6502 2
40 RTI Return from Interrupt Stack (RTI) 6502 1
6B RTL Return from Subroutine Stack (RTL, 24-bit) 65816 1
60 RTS Return from Subroutine Stack (RTS) 6502 1
E9 SBC #const Subtract with Borrow Immediate 6502 2
F1 SBC (dp),Y Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
F2 SBC (dp) Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect 65C02 2
E1 SBC (dp,X) Subtract with Borrow DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
F3 SBC (sr,S),Y Subtract with Borrow SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
F7 SBC [dp],Y Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
E7 SBC [dp] Subtract with Borrow DP Indirect Long 65816 2
FD SBC addr,X Subtract with Borrow Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
F9 SBC addr,Y Subtract with Borrow Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
ED SBC addr Subtract with Borrow Absolute 6502 3
F5 SBC dp,X Subtract with Borrow DP Indexed,X 6502 2
E5 SBC dp Subtract with Borrow Direct Page 6502 2
FF SBC long,X Subtract with Borrow Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
EF SBC long Subtract with Borrow Absolute Long 65816 4
E3 SBC sr,S Subtract with Borrow Stack Relative 65816 2
38 SEC Set Carry Flag Implied 6502 1
F8 SED Set Decimal Flag Implied 6502 1
78 SEI Set Interrupt Flag Implied 6502 1
E2 SEP #const Set Processor Status Immediate 65816 2
87 SMB0 zp Set bit 0 bit in zp R 2
97 SMB1 zp Set bit 1 bit in zp R 2
A7 SMB2 zp Set bit 2 bit in zp R 2
B7 SMB3 zp Set bit 3 bit in zp R 2
C7 SMB4 zp Set bit 4 bit in zp R 2
D7 SMB5 zp Set bit 5 bit in zp R 2
E7 SMB6 zp Set bit 6 bit in zp R 2
F7 SMB7 zp Set bit 7 bit in zp R 2
91 STA (dp),Y Store Accumulator DP Indirect Indexed, Y 6502 2
92 STA (dp) Store Accumulator DP Indirect 65C02 2
81 STA (dp,X) Store Accumulator DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
93 STA (sr,S),Y Store Accumulator SR Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
97 STA [dp],Y Store Accumulator DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y 65816 2
87 STA [dp] Store Accumulator DP Indirect Long 65816 2
9D STA addr,X Store Accumulator Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
99 STA addr,Y Store Accumulator Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
8D STA addr Store Accumulator Absolute 6502 3
95 STA dpX Store Accumulator DP Indexed,X 6502 2
85 STA dp Store Accumulator Direct Page 6502 2
9F STA long,X Store Accumulator Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
8F STA long Store Accumulator Absolute Long 65816 4
83 STA sr,S Store Accumulator Stack Relative 65816 2
DB STP Stop Processor Implied 65816 1
8E STX addr Store Index Register X Absolute 6502 3
96 STX dp,Y Store Index Register X DP Indexed,Y 6502 2
86 STX dp Store Index Register X Direct Page 6502 2
8C STY addr Store Index Register Y Absolute 6502 3
94 STY dp,X Store Index Register Y DP Indexed,X 6502 2
84 STY dp Store Index Register Y Direct Page 6502 2
9E STZ addr,X Store Zero to Memory Absolute Indexed,X 65C02 3
9C STZ addr Store Zero to Memory Absolute 65C02 3
74 STZ dp,X Store Zero to Memory DP Indexed,X 65C02 2
64 STZ dp Store Zero to Memory Direct Page 65C02 2
AA TAX Transfer A to X Implied 6502 1
A8 TAY Transfer A to Y Implied 6502 1
5B TCD Transfer A to DP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
1B TCS Transfer A to SP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
7B TDC Transfer A to DP Implied 16-bit 65816 1
1C TRB addr Test and Reset Absolute 65C02 3
14 TRB dp Test and Reset Direct Page 65C02 2
0C TSB addr Test and Set Absolute 65C02 3
04 TSB dp Test and Set Direct Page 65C02 2
3B TSC Transfer SP to A Implied 16-bit 65816 1
BA TSX Transfer SP to X Implied 6502 1
8A TXA Transfer X to A Implied 6502 1
9A TXS Transfer X to SP Implied 6502 1
9B TXY Transfer X to Y Implied 65816 1
98 TYA Transfer Y to A Implied 6502 1
BB TYX Transfer Y to X Implied 65816 1
CB WAI Wait for Interrupt Implied WDC 1
42 WDM Reserved Implied 65816 2
EB XBA Exchange B and A Implied 8-bit 65816 1
FB XCE Exchange Carry and E Implied 65816 1

Other specifications #