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MOS-6502 Addressing Modes


Sorted alphabetically. #

mnemonic Alias Description CPU Bytes
Implied 6502 1
n/a 65816 2
Stack (Pull / Push) 6502 1
A Accumulator 6502 1
#const Immediate 6502 2
(addr) Absolute Indirect 6502 3
(addr,X) Absolute Indexed Indirect 65C02 3
(dp) (zp) DP Indirect 65C02 2
(dp) Stack (DP Indirect) 65816 2
(dp),Y (zp),Y DP Indirect Indexed,Y 6502 2
(dp,X) (zp,X) DP Indexed Indirect,X 6502 2
(sr,S),Y Stack Relative Indirect Indexed,Y 65816 2
[addr] Absolute Indirect Long 65816 3
[dp] DP Indirect Long 65816 2
[dp],Y DP Indirect Long Indexed,Y 65816 2
addr Absolute 6502 3
addr Stack (Absolute) 65816 3
addr,X Absolute Indexed,X 6502 3
addr,Y Absolute Indexed,Y 6502 3
bit,zp bit zp bit in zero page R 2
bit,zp,rel bit zp,rel bit in zero page and Program Counter Relative R 3
const Stack/Interrupt 65816 2
dp zp Direct Page 6502 2
dp,X zp,X DP Indexed,X 6502 2
dp,Y zp,Y DP Indexed,Y 6502 2
long Absolute Long 65816 4
long Program Counter Relative Long 65816 3
long,X Absolute Long Indexed,X 65816 4
rel nearlabel Program Counter Relative 6502 2
rellong label Stack (PC Relative Long) 65816 3
sr,S Stack Relative 65816 2
srcbk,destbk Block Move 65816 3

Abbreviations #

mnemonic Alias Description CPU
(dp) (zp) 16 bit indirect address in direct/zero page 6502
[dp] 24 bit indirect address in direct page. 65816
addr 16 absolute address 6502
bit Bit number (0 … 7) R
dp zp Zero page on 6502 and 65C02. Direct page in 65816 6502
long 24 bit address. Only available for 65816 6502
rel nearlabel 8 bit relative used for branch operations 6502
rellong label 16 bit relative used in BRL and PEP 65816
sr Stack relative 65816

Other specifications #