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MOS-6502 Specification

CPU variants #

There are several variants of the 6502 CPU. The following abbreviations are used to specify compatibility:

Variant Available on
6502 6502
60C02 6502, 60C02
R Rockwell 60C02 and newer Western Design Center 60C02
WDC only Western Design Center 60C02 and 65816
65816 6502, 60C02, 65816

Flags #

CPU flags. Note that on the 65816 some flags have different functions depending on the CPUs operation mode.

Bit Flag Name Description CPU
7 N Negative Arithmetic operation was negative 6502
6 V oVerflow Arithmetic operation overflow 6502
5 1 unused Unused, always 1 6502
5 M Memory Accumulator register size 65816
4 B Break BRK was called 6502
4 X indeX Index register size 65816
3 D Decimal mode Use Binary Coded Decimal arithmetic 6502
2 I IRQ disable Prevent execution of IRQs 6502
1 Z Zero flag Arithmetic operation was zero 6502
0 C Carry flag Carry over 6502
E Emulation 6502 emulation mode 65816

Other specifications #


MOS-6502 Instruction Set

MOS-6502, WDC-65C01, WDC-65815 instruction set without addressing modes.

MOS-6502 Addressing Modes

MOS-6502, WDC-65C01, WDC-65815 addressing modes without instruction set.

MOS-6502 Opcodes

MOS-6502, WDC-65C01, WDC-65815 opcodes for all instructions.