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Ben Eater 6502 Kit — Day 02 – A clock module


Starting to work on the clock for the computer. The finished computer will have three clocks:

  1. A full speed 1 MHz clock.
  2. A slow adjustable clock.
  3. A single step clock.

This is the setup for the for the 2nd option, the slow adjustable clock

The parts needed

You don’t actually need a multimeter but it you don’t know the colour codes for the resistors or have difficulty reading the tiny print on the capacitors then a good multimeter is helpful. Just measure them to see which is which.

Put the 555 time on the board and wire up power

First try

Mind you, one there was no 100kΩ resistor in the kit only 1MΩ so the LED blinked 10 times slower. Which wasn’t a bad thing.



Lot’s of space for what comes next

After the first function test the potentiometer is added to make the clock adjustable and also two capacitors to smoothen out voltage peaks.

A close up.

That was quick and very easy. Just the brown connector isn’t perfect.